Failure Prediction from Limited Hardware Demonstrations

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Method Description

We use Gaussian Process for learning a failure prediction model from a combination of simulation and hardware data, while restricting the hardware demonstrations. Our method utilizes a combination of Bayesian inference and Gaussian Process regression to learn a failure prediction model that can accurately predict failures which cannot be retrieved from simulation alone.



Prediction of failures in real-world robotic systems either requires accurate model information or extensive testing. Partial knowledge of the system model makes simulation-based failure prediction unreliable. Moreover, obtaining such demonstrations is expensive, and could potentially be risky for the robotic system to repeatedly fail during data collection. This work presents a novel three-step methodology for discovering failures that occur in the true system by using a combination of a limited number of demonstrations from the true system and the failure information processed through sampling-based testing of a model dynamical system. Given a limited budget N of demonstrations from true system and a model dynamics (with potentially large modeling errors), the proposed methodology comprises of a) exhaustive simulations for discovering algorithmic failures using the model dynamics; b) design of initial N1 demonstrations of the true system using Bayesian inference to learn a Gaussian process regression (GPR)-based failure predictor; and c) iterative N - N1 demonstrations of the true system for updating the failure predictor. To illustrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology, we consider: a) the failure discovery for the task of pushing a T block to a fixed target region with UR3E collaborative robot arm using a diffusion policy; and b) the failure discovery for an F1-Tenth racing car tracking a given raceline under an LQR control policy.


        title={Failure Prediction from Limited Hardware Demonstrations},
        author={Parashar, Anjali and Garg, Kunal and Zhang, Joseph and Fan, Chuchu},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.09249},